Thursday, November 24, 2016

Black Friday Sales Safety Tips

Many stores will be open tomorrow on Thanksgiving for early Black Friday Sales shopping. There will be a frenzy of people shopping and thieves will be watching.

  • Lock your vehicles and put your items in the trunk if possible. Thieves know that a blanket covering a large bulky area in the back seat/cargo area of an SUV is probably hiding multiple items to steal.
  • Don’t carry large amounts of cash to be seen by others. Keep your wallet and purse close to your body to deter thieves. Don’t leave purses in the child seating area of a shopping cart. As soon as you turn to look at something it offers easy access for a thief to steal.
  • Don’t pull out your credit card or ID until asked by the cashier to avoid shoulder surfers obtaining your information.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious persons or activity.
  • Shopping with several people is safer than shopping alone.
  • If using a debit card or ATM, be mindful of anyone watching and shield your PIN.
  • Make sure to lock all the doors and windows of your house if you plan to be gone for a long day of shopping and have a neighbor keep an eye on the place if possible.
  • Officers do not referee who was entitled the open parking space first.
  • There will be long lines, minimal parking and a lot of patience needed. 
Enjoy Thanksgiving first with family and friends and remember the military service men and women, police, fire and hospital staff who often work the holidays.