Thursday, December 29, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Catalytic Converter Thefts
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Monday, December 19, 2011
Holiday Street Sweeping
Don't Drink and Drive
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
OC Winter Holiday DUI Crackdown
Orange County Avoid the 26 is announcing its upcoming enforcement operations for the Winter Holiday DUI Campaign. The following schedule of operations for the City of Los Alamitos is as follows:
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Monday, December 5, 2011
Holiday Scams
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Holiday Crime Prevention
There are things you can do to reduce your chances of becoming a victim! To learn more, please click here.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Holiday Shopping Safety
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
As Holiday Spirits Rise, So Does Crime!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Monday, October 31, 2011
Crime Prevention Month - Tip or Tweet of the Day
Do not hide your keys under your door mat or in other conspicuous places.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Your answering machine message should be non-committal as to whether or not you are home.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Keep your home well lit at night, inside and out. Keep your curtains closed at night.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Nuclear Threats
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Install a peephole in your front door so you can see callers without opening the door.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Halloween Safety
Biological Attacks
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Chemical Attacks
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Unlike a nuclear blast, the force of the explosion and radioactive contamination will be more localized. In order to limit the amount of radiation you are exposed to, think about shielding, distance, and time. To learn more about this, please click here.
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Monday, October 24, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
If you’re approached by a robber, remain calm and give up the items the robber wants. Nothing is worth risking your life or safety.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Friday, October 21, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Graffiti is a crime. If you see a tagger, call the police immediately.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Friday, October 14, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Certain plants, such as cactus, can be used to create a barrier by placing them under windows and in areas where you want to deter access.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
If someone looks suspicious, look directly at them and observe as much as possible about their appearance so that you can provide a description to police if they victimize you. Also, you are less likely to become a victim if they know you observed them.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Did you know that you can request a Vacation Check when you are away? By letting the Police Department know you are on vacation, officers can keep an eye on your residence. There is no charge for this service.
Monday, October 10, 2011
California has a 99.7% chance of having a magnitude 6.7or larger earthquake during the next 30years. To learn more about earthquakes and how to prepare and protect your family, click here.
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Always immediately report any thing you see that is suspicious. It is not a problem for the police to respond, even if turns out to be nothing.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
There are devices that allow crooks to steal your credit card information by being in your proximity. Be cautious of those who violate your personal space in public. Consider a RFID shield to protect the electronic information stored on your credit cards.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Never give out private information over the phone to someone unless you initiate the call. Con artists, pretending to be your bank or other trusted service, will call and ask you to confirm account numbers, social security numbers and other personal information… Don’t fall for this trick.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
When going to a sporting event at a local athletic field, never lock your purse in the car. Thieves know that women do this and will break in to look in trunks or under seats for stowed valuables, especially purses.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Install a peephole in your front door so you can see callers without opening the door.
If you need to update information for an Internet account, open a new browser window and type in the legitimate address of the company’s account maintenance page. Do not use the links provided by suspicious emails!
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Always be aware of your surroundings. You are more likely to become a victim when you are not paying attention.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Identifying Potential Hazards
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Keep your keys in your hands as you walk through a parking lot to your car.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Never let a stranger in your home to use your phone or for any other purpose.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Crime Prevention Month Tip of the Day
Consider using a timer to turn on some lights when you are away.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Crime Prevention Month
Always lock your vehicle and never leave valuable items in view.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Crime Prevention Month
Many crimes are crimes of opportunity. Don’t provide that opportunity; always lock your doors and windows when you leave.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Emergency Supply Kits
The items you need for your kit are similar to the items you would take on a camping trip. In fact, following the 1994 Northridge earthquake, many people, fearing damaging aftershocks, “camped” in their front yards. For further information, please click here.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Emergency Planning for Your Pets
Your pet is an important member of your household. Whether you decide to stay put in an emergency or evacuate to a safer location, you will need to make plans in advance for your pets. Keep in mind that what's best for you is typically what's best for your pet. To learn more, click here.
Weekly Crime Summary
A new Weekly Crime Summary is available for September 11 to September 17.
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website, .
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Evacuation or Shelter-in-Place
In the event of an emergency, does your family have an established plan? To learn more about evacuation or shelter-in-place, click here.
Family Emergency Preparedness Plan
As you may remember, a part of that plan should include a Family Disaster Communications Plan. Follow the link to a PDF you can download to create a card for each family member. Copies of the form (printed on card stock) are also available at the Los Alamitos Police Department.
To learn more, click here.
Monday, September 19, 2011
"Neighbor 4 Neighbor" in North Rossmoor Highlands Neighborhood
Read article
A great start for others interested in preparation would be to attend the next West County CERT training class. It is scheduled October 28-29 and concludes on November 4-5, 2011. For more information, check out the registration page.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website, .
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Getting Prepared Together - What is NIMS?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Reflections on 9/11: 10 Years Later

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Make a Plan

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website, .
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
63-year old Female Accosted for Purse
An attempt robbery occurred as a 63-year old female and her 69-year old husband were violently confronted outside of the Bank of America, 11262 Los Alamitos Blvd. As the couple exited the building... more
See attached for entire press release.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Los Alamitos Seeks Crossing Guards
Looking for a way to give back to your community, help our school children, and provide a vital city service? If so, the City of Los Alamitos would like you to consider becoming a Crossing Guard. There are immediate openings in the City’s Crossing Guard Program and the Police Department is looking to hire qualified people to serve in that capacity.
The Crossing Guard is a paid part-time position that functions under the direction of the police administration and is supervised by the on-duty watch commander. The primary duties of the Crossing Guard are to observe and control vehicle traffic flow to ensure the safe crossing of students on arterial junctions and residential streets.
Crossing Guards are required to observe vehicle and pedestrian traffic at assigned locations; determine when arterial crossings can be made safely and without disrupting traffic flow; stop or signal traffic or pedestrians by using a hand-held stop sign and escort pedestrians across the street; deter school children and other pedestrians from crossing the street at hazardous places and times; and enforce traffic safety rules and procedures.
General knowledge of traffic safety laws and regulations and the ability to learn methods of traffic control are necessary. Applicants should also be willing to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with pedestrians, motorists, and the general public.
If you are at least eighteen (18) years or older, have the ability to work varying hours as assigned, and can provide proof of legal eligibility to work in the United States, the City of Los Alamitos and its Police Department would like you to give this opportunity your consideration.
Interested persons are encouraged to stop by the police department to pick up an application or an application can be downloaded from the personnel section of the City’s website at . Los Alamitos is an equal opportunity employer and recruitment for the position(s) will remain open until filled. Questions about the position or any of the essential job functions can be directed to Sergeant Maria O’Connell at (562) 431- 2255, extension 418.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Back to School Safety Reminder
Summer is almost over and the beginning of a new school year is fast approaching. It is time once again for the many hundreds of students attending various schools throughout the Los Alamitos School District to return and resume their studies. School can be a hectic time for us all, but the beginning of the year always seems to be the most confusing. Some students are attending school for the very first time, many are stepping onto a new campus, and for others navigating through traffic congestion as newly licensed drivers can be stressful.
We at the Los Alamitos Police Department want to welcome all of the school officials, students, and their parents back to school. We anticipate you will have a successful year discovering new things. It is our goal to keep you as safe as we possibly can, but we also hope you understand that being safe is a responsibility shared by everyone. To that goal, here are a few familiar reminders that will help. First, stay alert! Be aware there are plenty of kids traveling our streets. You will see them walking, bicycling, skateboarding, and driving. Make sure your kids are taking the safest possible route to school. Instruct your child to pay attention to the traffic control signals and exercise patience when crossing the street or stepping into traffic. Our crossing guards are here to help and their priority is to keep your child out of harm’s way. Many parents drive their children to school. If that is you, keep in mind you are responsible for obeying the rules of the road. The speed limit in a school zone is 25 MPH, and school buses will deploy stop signs when picking up or dropping off their passengers. Expect kids to do things that are unexpected like stepping into traffic without looking, crossing streets outside of crosswalks, or riding their bikes against the flow of traffic. Remember, other than during an emergency, there really is no excuse to use a mobile device that isn’t “hands free”!
Second, take the time to know your child’s schedule. Teacher training days, conferences, and field trips alter your child’s schedule. Since these events sometimes catch us by surprise, it is wise to plan ahead to avoid problematic child care issues. Third, make sure your child’s emergency contact information is current and stays up to date throughout the school year. Who are the people authorized to pick up your child from school in the event you are unable to? Is there someone who should not have access to your child? How can your child’s school verify that information? Knowing who should be notified during an emergency and making it easy for school officials to find you or your designee takes pressure off of their staff and helps the police mitigate issues that arise. Hopefully situations like this won’t occur, but remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
Lastly, your child will no doubt make plenty of new friends during the school year and many of those friends will have social networking accounts like MySpace or Face Book. Under the right circumstances these social networking sites are fun, healthy, and keep us all connected like never before; however, where there are children, there are predators. Be aware of where your child goes on the internet. Take affirmative steps to respectfully monitor their actions and do not be hesitant in reporting unusual activity to the police or school officials.
In order for our children to learn, grow, and succeed, they must be safe on and off campus. We all have a stake in their success and safety. The Los Alamitos Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe for those who live, work, and play here. Parents, teachers, and students play an important role in accomplishing our goal. Let’s all have a safe and successful school year!
Sergeant Sharon Kerbow
Countdown to the Great Shakeout!
earthquake preparedness drill. The Great Shakeout was designed to help people
become better prepared ... More
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Back to School Safety
We at the Los Alamitos Police Department want to welcome all of the school officials, students, and their parents back to school. We anticipate you will have a successful year discovering new things. It is our goal to keep you as safe as we possibly can, but we also hope you understand that being safe is a responsibility shared by everyone. To that goal, here are a few familiar reminders that will help. First, stay alert! Be aware there are plenty of kids traveling our streets. You will see them walking, bicycling, skateboarding, and driving. Make sure your kids are taking the safest possible route to school. Instruct your child to pay attention to the traffic control signals and exercise patience when crossing the street or stepping into traffic. Our crossing guards are here to help and their priority is to keep your child out of harm’s way. Many parents drive their children to school. If that is you, keep in mind you are responsible for obeying the rules of the road. The speed limit in a school zone is 25 MPH, and school buses will deploy stop signs when picking up or dropping off their passengers. Expect kids to do things that are unexpected like stepping into traffic without looking, crossing streets outside of crosswalks, or riding their bikes against the flow of traffic. Remember, other than during an emergency, there really is no excuse to use a mobile device that isn’t “hands free”!
Second, take the time to know your child’s schedule. Teacher training days, conferences, and field trips alter your child’s schedule. Since these events sometimes catch us by surprise, it is wise to plan ahead to avoid problematic child care issues. Third, make sure your child’s emergency contact information is current and stays up to date throughout the school year. Who are the people authorized to pick up your child from school in the event you are unable to? Is there someone who should not have access to your child? How can your child’s school verify that information? Knowing who should be notified during an emergency and making it easy for school officials to find you or your designee takes pressure off of their staff and helps the police mitigate issues that arise. Hopefully situations like this won’t occur, but remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
Lastly, your child will no doubt make plenty of new friends during the school year and many of those friends will have social networking accounts like MySpace or Face Book. Under the right circumstances these social networking sites are fun, healthy, and keep us all connected like never before; however, where there are children, there are predators. Be aware of where your child goes on the internet. Take affirmative steps to respectfully monitor their actions and do not be hesitant in reporting unusual activity to the police or school officials.
In order for our children to learn, grow, and succeed, they must be safe on and off campus. We all have a stake in their success and safety. The Los Alamitos Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe for those who live, work, and play here. Parents, teachers, and students play an important role in accomplishing our goal. Let’s all have a safe and successful school year!
Sergeant Sharon Kerbow
Monday, August 8, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
West Nile Virus Information
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Summer Coyote Activity
Coyote Presentation
Monday, July 4, 2011
REMINDER: 2011 Fireworks Spectacular
Date: Monday, July 4, 2011
Location: Joint Forces Training Base
Time: Gates open at 4:00pm
• Free to attend
• Adults must have photo ID to enter, pursuant to JFTB/Military policy
• Those without photo ID (children) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian with required photo ID
• Dogs, fireworks, BBQ's, alcohol, and motor homes/RV’s PROHIBITED
• Arrive early and be patient
To support the event, the Cities of Los Alamitos and Cypress will be collecting a parking charge.
• $5 per vehicle (cash only)
• Free parking with Military ID
1) Lexington Drive Entrance
2) Orangewood Avenue Entrance
1) Lexington Drive Entrance ONLY (no exceptions)
• Food Court
• Sponsor Booths
• Kids Fun Zone
Lawn chairs and blankets ARE ENCOURAGED
NO BLEACHERS available this year
The 2011 FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR is presented in cooperation with the Cities of Los Alamitos, Cypress and Seal Beach, The Rossmoor Community Services District and the Joint Forces Training Base.
For more information, go here.
Happy 4th of July

As an alternative, the City of Los Alamitos and other nearby cities are hosting a fireworks display at the Joint Forces Training Base. For more information visit here.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Have a Safe July 4th Celebration

The Los Alamitos Police Department wishes you a safe and enjoyable long weekend. As a reminder, it is a violation to purchase and use fireworks in the City of Los Alamitos. This includes so-called Safe and Sane fireworks. Los Alamitos Police Officers will be taking appropriate enforcement action.
As an alternative, the City of Los Alamitos and other nearby cities are hosting a fireworks display at the Joint Forces Training Base. For more information visit here.
2011 Fireworks Spectacular
Date: Monday, July 4, 2011
Location: Joint Forces Training Base
Time: Gates open at 4:00pm
• Free to attend
• Adults must have photo ID to enter, pursuant to JFTB/Military policy
• Those without photo ID (children) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian with required photo ID
• Dogs, fireworks, BBQ's, alcohol, and motor homes/RV’s PROHIBITED
• Arrive early and be patient
To support the event, the Cities of Los Alamitos and Cypress will be collecting a parking charge.
• $5 per vehicle (cash only)
• Free parking with Military ID
1) Lexington Drive Entrance
2) Orangewood Avenue Entrance
1) Lexington Drive Entrance ONLY (no exceptions)
• Food Court
• Sponsor Booths
• Kids Fun Zone
Lawn chairs and blankets ARE ENCOURAGED
NO BLEACHERS available this year
The 2011 FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR is presented in cooperation with the Cities of Los Alamitos, Cypress and Seal Beach, The Rossmoor Community Services District and the Joint Forces Training Base.
For more information, go here.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Seeking Bank Robbery Suspect

On Tuesday, June 21, 2011, at about 9:32 A.M., the Los Alamitos Police Department received notification that a robbery alarm was activated inside the US Bank located at 10942 Pine Street. While officers responded to the location, they learned that a person had walked into the bank and demanded money from the employees and displayed a butcher knife to gain compliance. The suspect had fled on foot from the location with an unspecified amount of cash.
Read the entire release here.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Weekly Crime Summary
The most recent Weekly Crime Summaries will be listed on the homepage of our website,
You can find older Weekly Crime Summaries in our COP Team area here.
Be safe. Be Prepared.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Traffic Advisory Reminder
These temporary street closures are necessary to accommodate the anticipated lengthy funeral procession and will last approximately 2 hours beginning at 2:00 pm and ending at 4:00 pm. Motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes during this time period.
Traffic Advisory
These temporary street closures are necessary to accommodate the anticipated lengthy funeral procession and will last approximately 2 hours beginning at 2:00 pm and ending at 4:00 pm. Motorists are encouraged to use alternate routes during this time period.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day
Weekly Crime Summary
Saturday, May 21, 2011
National Police Week
"It is not how these officers died that made them heroes, it is how they lived."
-Vivian Eney Cross, Survivor
Each May during National Police Week the nation pauses to recognize the service and sacrifice of U.S. law enforcement. National Police Week concludes today, May 21, 2011. Photos from the National Candlelight Vigil can be seen here.
Established in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy and a joint resolution of Congress, National Police Week pays special tribute to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others. Ceremonies are held in Washington, DC, and in communities across the country. During the ceremonies in Washington, DC, the names of those peace officers killed in the line of duty will be enrolled onto the National Memorial.
The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial is the nation’s monument to law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty. Dedicated on October 15, 1991, the Memorial honors federal, state and local law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the safety and protection of our nation and its people.
The Memorial features two curving, 304-foot-long blue-gray marble walls. Carved on these walls are the names of more than 18,600 officers who have been killed in the line of duty throughout U.S. history, dating back to the first known death in 1792. Unlike many other memorials in Washington, DC, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial is ever-changing: new names of fallen officers are added to the monument each spring, in conjunction with National Police Week.
For more information about the National Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial Fund and Police Week, please visit NLEOMF and NLEOMF Police Week.
California honored its fallen officers on May 1st and 2nd. Their names can be read here and photos from prior ceremonies can be found here. The Sacramento Bee has posted a gallery of this year’s ceremony. For more information about the California Peace Officers’ Memorial, please visit their website.
Weekly Crime Summary
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Telephone Scam Alert
The Los Alamitos Police Department wants to make you aware of an ongoing scam that is primarily targeting senior citizens.
The scam involves the suspect calling the victim on the telephone and falsely identifying themselves as a relative of the victim, usually a son or grandson. The caller is able to trick the victim because he addresses the victim by name, usually obtaining the name through some legal source. The caller may also address the victim by relation, as in “grandpa” or “grandma.”
The suspect caller tells the victim that they have been arrested and need the victim to send money to help them get out of jail. The suspect usually instructs the victim to send the money via wire transfer, Western Union, or cashiers check. The suspect further tells the victim to not tell anyone else about this problem because he is too embarrassed to let anyone else know.
The Los Alamitos Police Department strongly urges that if you receive a similar phone call, you should take steps to verify the circumstances. You can accomplish this by either calling the number you have on record for that relative, calling the police agency where the relative claims to have been arrested, or even calling the Los Alamitos Police Department to assist you in verifying the information. We are aware of at least one victim in our City and the police have been contacted by others who have received these telephone calls. Conduct an Internet search for “Grandma I’m in Jail” and you will see this scam has occurred in many jurisdictions.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Los Alamitos Police Department for assistance. It is important to avoid being victimized in the first place and to prevent the transfer of money. Often the source of these scams is overseas, out of the reach of United States law enforcement and accountability.
Submitted by J. Goldmark, West Cities Police Communications (West-Comm)
Every 15 Minutes
The Los Alamitos Police Department is confident that students, parents, and concerned community members take seriously the public safety issues involved with underage drinking and with driving under the influence.
In support, every other year the Los Alamitos Police Department collaborates with the Youth Center and other community groups and agencies to present the program, Every 15 Minutes. The program presents these issues in an immersive and powerful way. To find out more about the program, visit their website or the Youth Center’s website.
You can view a 15 minute video illustrating this year’s program posted at the top of this article.
Every 15 Minutes
The Youth Center
Friday, May 6, 2011
Homeland Security Alert System and Travel Advisories
Due to recent International events and activity, the Los Alamitos Police Department would like to make you aware of two important sources of information that can assist you while making decisions that impact your safety.
The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS (which replaces the color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS)), more effectively communicates information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs, and the private sector.
NTAS recognizes that Americans all share responsibility for the nation's security, and should always be aware of the heightened risk of terrorist attack in the United States and what they should do. You can sign up to receive these alerts via email, Facebook, or Twitter directly from the US Department of Homeland Security at the link below.
Before embarking on International travel, you can also visit the US Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs and check for the latest travel advisories. You can view these at the link below.
Be Safe. Be Prepared.
National Motorcycle Safety Month
- Motorcycles are vehicles with the same rights and privileges as any motor vehicle on the roadway.
- Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month is a national and state initiative aimed at getting motorists and motorcyclists to “Share the Road” with each other.
- Riders need to make themselves "high-viz" or "visible." Draw attention to themselves even if other drivers may not be actively looking.
- Approximately one-half of all motorcycle crashes involve another motor vehicle. Nearly 40 percent of those crashes were caused by the other vehicle turning left in front of the motorcyclist.
- Expect to see motorcycles at any time, and search frequently for them.
- Check your mirrors and blind spot before merging or changing lanes, especially in heavy traffic. A motorcycle can easily be hidden behind a car or truck.
- Wear brightly colored protective gear and a DOT-compliant helmet. Red, yellow, orange, and white are highly visible and help a rider stand out. Use reflective tape and stickers to make you more visible to other motorists.
- Strategically use your lane position to see and be seen.
- Always use your turn signals each time you turn or change lanes, even if you think no one will see it.
- Combine hand signals and turn signals to draw more attention to yourself.
- Always use a DOT approved helmet.
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that helmets saved the lives of 1,784 motorcyclists in 2007. If all motorcyclists had worn helmets, an additional 800 lives could have been saved.
- Helmets are estimated to be 37 percent effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcyclists.
- For every 100 motorcyclists killed in crashes that were not wearing a helmet, 37 of them could have been saved if they would have been wearing a helmet.