In light of two young Orange County women being arrested for the murder of their newborns this month, the Los Alamitos Police Department would like to remind the community of California's Safely Surrendered Baby Law.
The Safely Surrendered Baby Law (SSB) was implemented on January 1, 2001, in response to the increasing number of abandoned baby deaths in California, as reported by media accounts. The law is intended to spare the life of an infant by encouraging parents or persons with lawful custody to safely surrender an infant at a "Safe Surrender" site within 72 hours of the child's birth. In October 2005, Governor Schwarzenegger signed legislation extending the SSB Law permanently, effective January 1, 2006.
Under this law, the parent(s) can safely surrender their baby and be protected from prosecution for child abandonment. This law makes it easier for a parent to surrender a baby who might otherwise abandon their baby in an unsafe place.
The County of Orange has designated hospital emergency rooms, Orangewood Children's Home, and fire stations as designated "Safe Surrender" sites. To locate "Safe Surrender" sites in California, call 1-877-BABY SAF (1 877-222-9723).
More information about the law and its application can be found at the following websites.