A new map published by the California Geological Survey shows active faults in Orange County. The map and CGS website can visited at the links below.
California Geological Survey map
California Geological Survey website
Orange County Register article
Los Alamitos Police Department Emergency Preparation resources
Be Safe. Be Prepared.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Earthquake Preparation Reminder
Did you know that a small earthquake occurred under the Los Alamitos / Rossmoor area this weekend? On Saturday, April 24, 2010, at about 10:59 P.M., a magnitude 2.0 earthquake shook approximately 7 miles below the intersection of Bostonian Dr. and Foster Rd. For more information, see the USGS site regarding this event.
Earthquakes like this occur all the time in Southern California, but they serve as a reminder to prepare for large events such as those that recently impacted Haiti, Chile, and China. For more information, visit our Emergency Preparation Center page at www.LosAlamitosPolice.org for a list of resources to help your family and business prepare for earthquakes and other disasters.
Be Safe. Be Prepared.
Earthquakes like this occur all the time in Southern California, but they serve as a reminder to prepare for large events such as those that recently impacted Haiti, Chile, and China. For more information, visit our Emergency Preparation Center page at www.LosAlamitosPolice.org for a list of resources to help your family and business prepare for earthquakes and other disasters.
Be Safe. Be Prepared.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Metal Theft

Last week, two businesses on Winners Circle were victims of metal theft. Overnight, the suspect turned off the water to the businesses, used a tool to cut the pipes, and stole metal valves outside the building. No suspect has been identified and the theft is being investigated by the Detective Bureau.
Metal theft is a widespread problem throughout Southern California, particularly when the economy is poor or metal commodity prices rise. A suspect was recently arrested in San Bernardino County for the theft of at least 45 fire hydrants which were then broken down and sold for scrap. See LA Times story.
Metal theft is a widespread problem throughout Southern California, particularly when the economy is poor or metal commodity prices rise. A suspect was recently arrested in San Bernardino County for the theft of at least 45 fire hydrants which were then broken down and sold for scrap. See LA Times story.
Please be aware of this crime trend and report any suspicious activity to your Police Department.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Safe Surrender Law and Locations

In light of two young Orange County women being arrested for the murder of their newborns this month, the Los Alamitos Police Department would like to remind the community of California's Safely Surrendered Baby Law.
The Safely Surrendered Baby Law (SSB) was implemented on January 1, 2001, in response to the increasing number of abandoned baby deaths in California, as reported by media accounts. The law is intended to spare the life of an infant by encouraging parents or persons with lawful custody to safely surrender an infant at a "Safe Surrender" site within 72 hours of the child's birth. In October 2005, Governor Schwarzenegger signed legislation extending the SSB Law permanently, effective January 1, 2006.
Under this law, the parent(s) can safely surrender their baby and be protected from prosecution for child abandonment. This law makes it easier for a parent to surrender a baby who might otherwise abandon their baby in an unsafe place.
The County of Orange has designated hospital emergency rooms, Orangewood Children's Home, and fire stations as designated "Safe Surrender" sites. To locate "Safe Surrender" sites in California, call 1-877-BABY SAF (1 877-222-9723).
More information about the law and its application can be found at the following websites.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Emergency Preparation Information
The Daily Breeze compiled emergency preparation tips into this one page guide.
You can find more links to emergency preparation information on the Los Alamitos Police Department website here. Guides and tips can also be picked up at the lobby of the the Police Department during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Those interested in participating in CERT, the Community Emergency Response Team, can find more information here or at www.westcountycert.com.
Be Safe. Be Prepared.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Los Alamitos Police Embraces Social Media
Press Release dated April 20, 2010
This month, the Los Alamitos Police Department will expand its outreach efforts by implementing an updated version of The LAW - Los Alamitos Watch. Recognizing changes in technology since the program was started in 2003, the updated version will utilize a new range of social media in hopes of disseminating information to a technologically evolving population. Using Twitter and Facebook to update and post timely news, the Department hopes to reach and inform a broader segment of its community.
The former version of The LAW utilized a listserv to email information to its subscribers. It provided a mechanism for individuals to sign-up for a specific neighborhood or interest group such as businesses or schools. Information could then be sent to all or some of the lists as deemed appropriate. Although the new version of The LAW will not have the same distribution capabilities, it is anticipated enhanced communication with the community, with a goal of strengthening police - community partnerships will occur by creating a time efficient method for the receipt of content. Participants can choose to receive email alerts, “Tweets,” or posts to their Facebook page focused on crime and fraud prevention, police activity, and current community topics. Additionally, they will be able to stay apprised of upcoming local meetings and special events. The Los Alamitos Police Department invites everyone who lives, works, or is involved with schools in Los Alamitos to sign-up for The LAW. Subscribers can find more information at http://www.losalamitospolice.org/ .
Submitted by:
Captain Bruce McAlpine
Los Alamitos Police Department
(562) 431-2255, extension 420
(562) 431-6499 fax
Original Release
This month, the Los Alamitos Police Department will expand its outreach efforts by implementing an updated version of The LAW - Los Alamitos Watch. Recognizing changes in technology since the program was started in 2003, the updated version will utilize a new range of social media in hopes of disseminating information to a technologically evolving population. Using Twitter and Facebook to update and post timely news, the Department hopes to reach and inform a broader segment of its community.
The former version of The LAW utilized a listserv to email information to its subscribers. It provided a mechanism for individuals to sign-up for a specific neighborhood or interest group such as businesses or schools. Information could then be sent to all or some of the lists as deemed appropriate. Although the new version of The LAW will not have the same distribution capabilities, it is anticipated enhanced communication with the community, with a goal of strengthening police - community partnerships will occur by creating a time efficient method for the receipt of content. Participants can choose to receive email alerts, “Tweets,” or posts to their Facebook page focused on crime and fraud prevention, police activity, and current community topics. Additionally, they will be able to stay apprised of upcoming local meetings and special events. The Los Alamitos Police Department invites everyone who lives, works, or is involved with schools in Los Alamitos to sign-up for The LAW. Subscribers can find more information at http://www.losalamitospolice.org/ .
Submitted by:
Captain Bruce McAlpine
Los Alamitos Police Department
(562) 431-2255, extension 420
(562) 431-6499 fax
Original Release
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Crime Victims' Rights Week, April 18-24, 2010
Each April since 1981, the United States Department of Justice, Office of Victims of Crime, or OVC, has lead communities throughout the country in the annual observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) by promoting victims’ rights and honoring crime victims and those who advocate on their behalf. Please join the Los Alamitos Police Department in supporting this cause.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Learn more about CERT

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.
If you are interested in attending the next West-County CERT course or have any questions, the City of Los Alamitos CERT coordinator is Corporal Rick Moore who can be reached at 562-431-2255 ext 445 or rmoore@ci.los-alamitos.ca.us.
Read more about West Orange County Regional CERT at their website!
If you are interested in attending the next West-County CERT course or have any questions, the City of Los Alamitos CERT coordinator is Corporal Rick Moore who can be reached at 562-431-2255 ext 445 or rmoore@ci.los-alamitos.ca.us.
Read more about West Orange County Regional CERT at their website!
Public Safety,
The LAW-Los Al Watch
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Vehicle Burglary Prevention
Saturday, April 10, 2010
April is Alcohol Awareness Month

When many people think of alcohol abusers, they picture teenagers sneaking drinks before high school football games or at unsupervised parties. However, alcohol abuse is prevalent within many demographic groups in the United States. People who abuse alcohol can be: ...
Read the whole article at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website here.
Public Health,
Public Safety,
The LAW-Los Al Watch
State DNA Data Bank Successes
State DNA Data Bank has Linked Thousands of Crimes to Violent Criminals
California Office of the Attorney General Press Release - April 8, 2010
Los Angeles - Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that the state DNA Data Bank has now matched 12,000 crime scene DNA samples to violent offenders and other suspects, helping to "secure thousands of convictions" of rapists, murderers, and kidnappers.
The DNA Data Bank's 12,000th match was made at the state DNA database facility in Richmond. On average, the DNA Data Bank receives 300 hits per month. In March, the Data Bank had 405 DNA matches, the most ever in a single month.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, April 11-17, 2010
Please join us in recognizing the dedication of the men and women who serve as public safety telecommunicators during the week of April 11-17, 2010. These professionals serve as a crucial link between the members of the public we serve and the first responders providing assistance in the field.
Communication services for the Los Alamitos Police Department are provided by the public safety dispatchers of the West Cities Police Communications Center, or "West-Comm." Further information about their contributions and their award winning dispatchers can be found at the links that follow below.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Alert Update
On 4/1/10 at approximately 5:00 P.M., an Alert OC message was broadcast to the Community reference a missing child. THE CHILD HAS BEEN LOCATED AND NO FURTHER ACTION IS REQUESTED. Thank you for your assistance.
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