Did you know that if you have ongoing quality of life issue that there is a Police supervisor assigned to each area of the City to address or coordinate a response? Did you know that if you keep noticing a person, car, or house associated with suspicious activity that there is a team of officers for each area who can focus on long-term problem solving strategies to address a situation? Did you know there is a point of contact for each neighborhood and commercial complex that is interested in crime prevention or disaster preparation?
In the following days and weeks, we'll introduce more aspects of Los Al PD's Area Command and other services provided to the community. You will get to know some of the Team's, their areas, and how to contact them. We look forward to being your partner in keeping Los Alamitos a great place to live, work and visit.
Remember though, if there is a crime occurring now or you need to speak with an officer immediately please dial 9-1-1 in an emergency or (562) 594-7232 for our 24-Hours Police Dispatch Center. Have a safe day and check back soon for more information.
Area Command Philosophy:
Area Command is an operational philosophy that is organized to address quality of life issues for residents and businesses, over a long-term basis. The objective is to provide a single point of contact for concerns including crime, traffic and other issues that may have an adverse impact on our stakeholders. The theory of the Area Command philosophy is that through more direct communication, accountability, professional responsibility, and strategic utilization of our resources, an Area Command philosophy will provide more enhanced community policing activities. The Area Command is not a replacement of our current patrol services or the community policing activities that occur on a day-to-day basis.
Reports of crimes and activity the police needs to be aware of and address and are occurring now or recently, should all be directed to our dispatch center. Emergencies should be reported to 9-1-1, and all other calls for service should be reported to our 24-hour dispatch number, (562) 594-7232.
The Area Command model adds to the day-to-day community policing activities conducted by officers while working their patrol and detective assignments. The Area Command model enables a more granular control of responsibility by incorporating all four patrol sergeants into the model, allowing a geographically narrow scope of monitoring and control of problem solving activities.
For more information, see our Area Command Introduction