recognizes the officers from Orange County who had recovered the most stolen vehicles during the previous year from each department.
Auto thefts occur often in the Los Angeles metro region. Here are some tips to prevent theft:
1. Lock your car. Many people don't routinely lock their vehicles, especially when parked at home.
2. Remove the keys. Many cars are stolen with the keys in the ignition. Many modern vehicles have security c
hips embedded in them requiring the key to be present before the engine will start. Leaving the keys with the vehicle defeats this purpose.

2. Use an anti-theft device that is visible to the thief. Steering-wheel clubs and pedal locks are sometimes enough to cause most casual thieves to move on.

3. Park in your garage or, while away from home, in high-visibility areas where thieves can't operate in private.
4. Have the vehicle identification number (VIN) etched on the glass and other significant parts of the car. This discourages chop shops.
5. Use tracking services that may assist in getting the car back.